IMA Schelling Parts


Reduce Downtime with Original Factory Parts

We maintain a vast inventory of parts for IMA and Schelling machines at our location in Raleigh, NC for rapid delivery. Try our convenient, online parts locator is available for quick identification.

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For personal service, call one of our knowledgeable parts representatives at 800-711-9824 or email [email protected]

Spare Parts Package

IMA Schelling now offers a discounted Spare Parts Package customized with the components you depend on most to minimize downtime and maintain productivity. With the Spare Parts Package on site, you won’t have to wait for critical parts to be delivered. Employees won’t stand idly by due to downtime and you won’t pay overtime making up for lost productivity.

IMA Schelling Price Match

If you find a lower price on locally sourced parts for IMA Schelling Group machines and we have the same part in stock, we’ll provide that part and match the vendor’s current pricing!

• Part must have the same manufacturer and model number and be in-stock at competitor’s location.  
• Customer must provide a current quote showing part number, manufacturer, cost and stock availability before purchase is made. 
• We will not honor a price match after an order has been placed with us. 

 Contact [email protected] for more info.

If you would like a quote for parts or if you just need assistance, call us today at
800-711-9824 or click the contact parts button below:

Our shipping options:
Shipper FEDEX Ground, Express, Freight, international freight both ground and air.
*Vendor pricing and availability to be confirmed by an ISG employee to be valid. Part subject to matching offer must be the same manufactured part as offered by ISG. Offer valid until otherwise noted by ISG.


Yenitza Bailey

Parts Coordinator

Greg Boccella

Parts Coordinator

Efrain Bonilla

Inventory Control Specialist

Phillip King

Mechanical Parts Coordinator


Frank Huter

Help Desk Senior Service Technician

Corey Dorton

Help Desk Senior Service Technician

Parts Testimonial

"We received the steel strip for the saw carriage’s roller bearings and installed them this morning.
Thank you for your help and fast delivery time, everything worked out great."

Richie Crowell
Wilsonart, LLC

IMA Schelling Group
301 Kitty Hawk Drive
Morrisville, NC 27560
Telephone: 800.711.9824

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